26 Aug
The Middle East riddle ELIAMEP’s experts and associates have been following and analysing events in the wake of the 7 October Hamas attack on Israel, both in Gaza and in the wider Middle East.
Security & foreign policy
Christos Aliprantis
Christos Aliprantis Research Fellow, European domestic security and policing
Jens Bastian
Jens Bastian Senior Policy Advisor; Independent Economic Consultant
Athina Fatsea
Athina Fatsea Research Assistant; Project manager, Transatlantic Periscope project
Stefanos Gandolfo
Stefanos Gandolfo Research Associate, China
Maria Gavouneli
Maria Gavouneli Director General Director General; Professor, Faculty of Law, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
Evangelos Georgousis
Evangelos Georgousis Senior Policy Adviser; Lieutenant General Air Force (I) (retired)
Ioannis N. Grigoriadis
Ioannis N. Grigoriadis Senior Research Fellow, Head, Turkey Programme; Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies
Theocharis Grigoriadis
Theocharis Grigoriadis Non Resident Research Fellow; Associate Professor, Freie Universität Berlin
Pantelis Ikonomou
Pantelis Ikonomou Research Associate; Former Inspector, International Atomic Energy Agency
Antonis Kamaras
Antonis Kamaras Research Associate; Defense studies; Country Coordinator, Greek Diaspora Project, SEESOX, Oxford
Marika Karagianni
Marika Karagianni Research Associate; Expert on Energy issues; Visiting Lecturer, University of Peloponnese and the International Hellenic University
Triantafyllos Karatrantos
Triantafyllos Karatrantos Senior Research Fellow, Radicalisation, Terrorism, Policing Models, Security and Foreign Policy
Irene Keremidou
Irene Keremidou Research Associate
Nikolaos Lampas
Nikolaos Lampas Research Fellow, Security and Foreign Policy
Athanasios Manis
Athanasios Manis Research Fellow, Security; Turkey
Panagiota Manoli
Panagiota Manoli Research Fellow, Comparative regionalism; European Neighborhood Policy
Vassilis Ntousas
Vassilis Ntousas Non- Resident Research Fellow, European Institutions and Policies, Security and Foreign Policy; Head of European Operations, German Marshall Fund
Ioanna Pervou
Ioanna Pervou Research Fellow, Doctor Juris in Public International Law
Vasilis Petropoulos
Vasilis Petropoulos Junior Research Fellow
Ilias Plakokefalos
Ilias Plakokefalos Senior Research Fellow; Assistant Professor of International Law, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
John Sakellariadis
John Sakellariadis Junior Research Fellow, Security
Nicholas Sambanis
Nicholas Sambanis Non-Resident Senior Research Fellow, Security & Foreign Policy programme; Migration programme
Katerina Sokou
Katerina Sokou Non-Resident Research Fellow, Theodore Couloumbis Research Fellowship on “Greek-American Relations”; Washington DC correspondent Kathimerini; Non-Resident Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council
Evangelos Tembos
Evangelos Tembos Research Associate; Expert-Minister, Counsellor, Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union & European Defence Policy
Panayotis Tsakonas
Panayotis Tsakonas Senior Research Fellow, Head, Foreign Policy & Security Programme; Professor, University of Athens
George Tzogopoulos
George Tzogopoulos Senior Research Fellow, Media; International relations; Chinese affairs
Thanos Veremis
Thanos Veremis Vice-President Vice-President of the Board of Directors; Professor Emeritus, University of Athens; History, International Relations
Alexandros Kolovos
Alexandros Kolovos Research Associate; Associate Professor of Space Technology, Hellenic Air Force Academy
All Publications
US-Greek relations — December brief by the Transatlantic Periscope
ELIAMEP Outlook, Predictions for 2025
Policy Papers
ELIAMEP Outlook, Predictions for 2025
Maria Gavouneli
George TzogopoulosElena LazarouStefanos GandolfoTriantafyllos KaratrantosBledar FetaPanagiota ManoliIoannis N. GrigoriadisPanayotis TsakonasAngeliki DimitriadiAlekos KritikosAntonis KamarasSpyros BlavoukosEmmanuella DoussisAsteris HuliarasLoukas Tsoukalis
Getting over the junta: Greek civil-military relations for the 21st Century
‘The Importance of History and NATO’s Role in the New Era’ – Key Insights
US-Greek relations — November brief by the Transatlantic Periscope
US-Greek relations — October brief by the Transatlantic Periscope
Cybersecurity: how to shield the country’s digital future
US-Greek relations — September brief by the Transatlantic Periscope
US-Greek relations — August brief by the Transatlantic Periscope
US-Greek relations — July brief by the Transatlantic Periscope
Erdogan’s Coup Proofing: why should Greece care?
US – Greek relations: June brief by the Transatlantic Periscope
All Perspectives
The Greek-Indian relations in context
16 May 2024
Last week the Indian Prime Minister travelled to Greece; his visit was heralded as a historic milestone of goodwill and cooperation, a compass for the future. Over the long centuries of their historic association, Greece and India have always been aware of each other, but have never managed to create a strong and enduring cooperation on the basis of common goals and aspirations. We have invited two experts, one from each side, to put things into perspective and look ahead into the future. In doing so, we are launching a new series of “Perspectives / Επόψεις”, in which we will pose the same question and invite researchers and experts, both from within and outside ELIAMEP, to deliberate on it from their different viewpoints. In this first edition, it is only appropriate that the ELIAMEP should be represented by Professor Maria Gavouneli, its Director General. We have another first on the Indian side, as Ambassador Anil Trigunayat offers us his exceptional experience and insight, but also the first instalment in the long-awaited association between ELIAMEP and the Vivekananda International Foundation, India’s leading think-tank.
All Opportunities
Deadline 31 January 2025