ELIAMEP’s Turkey Programme was established in 2020 with the aim to promote consistent, reliable and research-substantiated information and analysis of Turkey’s domestic political and foreign policy developments, its relations with Greece, the European Union, the United States, Russia and the emerging powers, its regional and global role.
Its key objectives include:
Observation of actors and policies, domestic and foreign, in Turkey that influence its relationship with Greece, its other neighbours, the European Union and other regional and global actors.; dissemination of reliable information and balanced, informed, research-based and solution-oriented analysis on Turkish politics; promotion of expert and public dialogue on Turkey; production of high-quality research and policy analysis publications; establishment of ELIAMEP as a regional and European point of reference in policy debates about Turkey, spanning from Greek-Turkish bilateral issues to topics of regional , European and global interest.
By promoting closer relations, synergies, networking with leading think tanks and researchers in Turkey, Europe and North America, and aiming to nurture a generation of young researchers on Turkey, ELIAMEP aspires to rise through the Programme to a center of excellence and a leading reference European policy research center on Turkey.