Alexandros Kolovos
Research Associate; Associate Professor of Space Technology, Hellenic Air Force AcademyDr. Alexandros Kolovos is an Associate Professor of Space Technology at the Hellenic Air Force Academy, from which he graduated it in 1980. He’s Brigadier General (HAF, ret).
He studied law at the University of Athens (1987) and international relations and strategic studies at Panteion University (PhD specializing in space, 2002).
During the period 1991-2006 he was head of the National Centre for Space Applications (EKDE) of the HAF.
He recommended the Space Policy for Hellenic Ministry of National Defence (1995), the Earth Observation programme as it is currently implemented by the MoD and the establishment of a Space Office in the Minister of Defence Cabinet (2006).
In the framework of two Hellenic Presidencies, he pursued initiatives on the Western European Union (WEU’s Space Policy, 1998) and in the European Union regarding the recognition of the role of space in the EU’s European Security and Defence policy (“ESDP and Space”, 2002-03). Both initiatives have been adopted by the respective WEU Council of Ministers and Council of the EU.
He was a national representative on the Board of Directors of the EU Satellite Centre and a member of the UN COPUOS and NATO Committees. He was also a member of the main Space Committees of the General Secretariat for Technology Research, and of the Ministries of Communication and Transportation, and of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy. He worked also at the Center for Security Studies (KEMEA) of the Ministry of Citizen’s Protection in research projects.
He has authored 3 books, 5 monographs, 5 book chapters and a large number of articles about space.