REBOOT (Reviving, Boosting, Optimising and Transforming European Film Competitiveness) focuses on the European Film industry, aiming to to connect the existing strengths, identify and overcome weaknesses and plan for future competitiveness in the fields of policy, practice and experience. The project has two main objectives:

a) to explore the long-standing strengths and pervasive gaps in European competitiveness and policies for competitiveness, inquiring inter alia into ways of ‘measuring’ ‘analysing’ and ‘evaluating’ the impact of policies and strategic pathways, and

b) to place attention to the active preparation for the future in the area of audiences by exploring audience preferences and their generation, as well as modes of film content production. These are elements which today’s youth will carry and engage with in the coming decades as makers and consumers, as well as industry and policy.

Overall, REBOOT aspires to provide a full set of knowledge of the European film industry, which maximises its existing strengths, combined with strategic and tactical dimensions of action for the optimisation of the potential held in European youth publics, understood both as emerging audiences and as citizens. This aspiration is met by combining five mutually reinforcing dimensions:

  1. increasing support for young people’s engagement with European film;
  2. strengthening the place of the EU in the global audiovisual economy, particularly in light of the rise of video on demand (VOD);
  3. supporting cultural diversity in the EU film industry;
  4. addressing the need for a different understanding of competitiveness and relevant indicators in this context; and
  5. recognising and supporting the importance for the EU of film and, more broadly, of the cultural and creative sector as a geopolitical asset.

Project Summary

REBOOT Project Website:


Universitat Wien (UNIVIE), Austria


Universite de Liege (ULIEGE), Belgium

Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Spain

Kadir Has Universitesi (KHAS), Turkey

Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR), Netherlands

Universiteit Gent (UGENT), Belgium

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), Spain

Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento S Anna(SSSA), Italy

Universite Cote d’Azur (UCA), France

Jyvaskylan Yliopisto (JYU), Finland

Uniwersytet Warszawski (UW), Poland

Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), Greece




Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only

and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency. Neither

the European Union nor the European Research Executive Agency can be held responsible for them.