EPACE-EU (Enhancing Public Awareness and Civic Engagement in the EU) aims to increase citizens’ awareness and participation in deliberative democratic processes. The project seeks to increase the understanding by the citizens, especially young people, of the EU policy-making dynamics in an engaging and pedagogically appropriate way. In addition, EPACE-EU pursues to actively engage citizens in an open and participatory dialogue, to raise awareness and build knowledge on EU Institutions & policy making and at the same time to tackle disinformation and fake news in the media on European Union’s matters.
Τhe project’s activities comprise:
- the Emerging Leadership Academy (ELA)
- simulationexercises
- publicagoras
- tailor-made Seminars for professionals
- an electronic game on the EU
- an annual digital compilation (e-book) of ELIAMEP’s contributions to the European public dialogue.
To play the game, click on the image below:
In the framework of EPACE-EU, ELIAMEP will organise 7 training and educational activities (1 ELA, 2 simulation exercises, 1 Public Agora, and 3 tailor-made seminars), engaging directly more than 200 citizens.
Type of action: CERV Operating Grants Framework Partnerships
Granting authority: European Education and Culture Executive Agency
“Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union European Education and Culture Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”
Olympia, Peloponnese, Greece
1st day AUEB, 2nd day Impact Hub Athens
Triaena Business Center
FOS «Field of Science», Serafeio, Municipality of Athens
European Parliament Office in Athens