Evangelia Psychogiopoulou

Evangelia Psychogiopoulou

Senior Research Fellow, Assistant Professor/University of the Peloponnese, European Law & Governance, Fundamental Rights and EU Values, EU Law-Making, EU Law and Policies for the Digital Transformation, Cultural Diversity, the Media, EU Horizontal Policy Priorities, European Judicial Dialogue epsychogiopoulou@eliamep.gr

Dr Evangelia Psychogiopoulou is Assistant Professor in EU Policies and Institutions at the Department of Political Science and International Relations, University of the Peloponnese, senior research fellow at the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) and a lawyer. She studied law at the Faculty of Law of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She has obtained a DEA in European and Community Law from Paris I University Panthéon-Sorbonne; a Master of Research in Law from the European University Institute; and a Doctorate in Law (PhD) from the European University Institute. She has worked at the Academy of European Law (Florence, Italy), the Directorate General Education and Culture of the European Commission (Brussels, Belgium) and the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports.

Her main areas of research are: EU law and governance, fundamental rights and EU values, EU law-making, EU law and policies for the digital transformation, cultural diversity and the media, EU mainstreaming and horizontal policy priorities and judicial dialogue in Europe.

She has conducted research for the EU institutions and she has participated in several collaborative research projects funded by the EU and international organisations. Over the past fifteen years, she has received funding from the European Commission, the European Parliament, UNESCO, the EEA Grants and Maastricht University. From April 2010 to March 2013, she was the coordinator of MEDIADEM, an EU FP7-funded research project on free and independent media in Europe. In 2014-2016, she was a Marie Curie Fellow at the Department of International and European Law, Maastricht University. She was national expert for the Media Pluralism Monitor (2014-2021) and member of the European Expert Network on Culture and the Audiovisual (2015-2020).

Her articles have appeared, amongst others, in European Law ReviewLegal Issues of Economic IntegrationEuropean Law JournalMaastricht Journal of European and Comparative LawEuropean Papers – A Journal on Law and IntegrationGerman Law JournalEuropean Human Rights Law ReviewEuropean Foreign Affairs ReviewInternational Journal of Communication and International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics. She is the author of the monograph The integration of cultural considerations in EU law and policies (2008, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers). She has also edited/co-edited the following collective volumes: European Union Economic Law and culture: Towards a European culturally corrected market economy (2024, Edward Elgar Publishing, with Sarah Schoenmaekers), Social Media, Fundamental Rights and Courts: A European Perspective (2023, Routledge, with Federica Casarosa), Digital media governance and supranational courts: Selected issues and insights from the European judiciary (2022, Edward Elgar Publishing, with Susana de la Sierra), Courts, privacy and data protection in the digital environment (2017, Edward Elgar Publishing, with Maja Brkan); Cultural governance and the European Union: Protecting and promoting cultural diversity in Europe (2015, Palgrave Macmillan); Media policies revisited: The challenge for media freedom and independence (2014, Palgrave Macmillan); Understanding media policies: A European perspective (2012, Palgrave Macmillan); and The European Court of Human Rights and the rights of marginalised individuals and minorities in national context (2010, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Brill, with Dia Anagnostou).
