Eirini Sifaki
Research Fellow, REBOOT project; Associate Professor of Cultural Theory and Criticism and Director, Laboratory of Intercultural and Cultural Relations, Department of Linguistic & Intercultural Studies, University of Thessaly eisifaki@uth.grEirini (Renata) Sifaki is Associate Professor of Cultural Theory and Criticism and Director of the Laboratory of Intercultural and Cultural Relations of the Department of Linguistic and Intercultural Studies of the University of Thessaly. She holds a PhD in Communication and Cultural Studies from the University of Paris 3 (Sorbonne-Nouvelle). Since 2006 she has also been teaching in the MSc in Cultural Management at the Hellenic Open University and has collaborated with universities and research institutions in Greece and abroad in the framework of research projects. She is also an evaluator of scientific proposals for research funding at the Research Executive Agency (REA) of the European Commission.
Her research interests focus on cinema as a broader cultural and intercultural practice, combining visual narratives with other aspects of social and historical reality. Her scholarly papers and communications intersect cinema, the city, audiovisual media, the production and consumption of cultural meanings and practices, and cultural communication in the digital age.
Her scientific papers have been published, among others, in the journals Mésogeios (Méditerranée), Questions de communication, Journal for Cultural Research, Visual Communication, Journal of Greek Media and Culture, Journal of Cultural Management, Museum Management and Curatorship, Science Education, etc.
Indicative publications
Sifaki, E. (2022) Museum’s digital activities during the pandemic: Art as a communicative experience, in St. Papadakis and A. Kapaniaris (Eds.) The Digital Folklore of Cyberculture and Digital Humanities, (pp. 267-295), USA: IGI Global.
Sifaki, E., & Papadimitriou, S. (2022). L’éducation aux médias en Grèce: Les bonnes pratiques appliquées par des instances de l’éducation formelle et informelle. In Laurence Corroy (Dir). Education aux médias en Europe. Histoire, enjeux et perspectives, (pp. 85-100), (Paris: L’Harmattan).
Sifaki, E. (2022). The coexistance of cinema and television in the post-dictatorship era. In A. Nikolaidou and D. Papanikolaou (Eds.), Motherand, I see you. The twentieth century of Greek cinema, pp. 175-182, Athens.
Sifaki, E., & Stamou, A. (2020). Film criticism and the legitimization of a New Wave in Contemporary Greek Cinema. Journal of Greek Media and Culture, 6(1), 29-49, doi: https://doi.org/10.1386/jgmc.6_00002_1
Kyprianos, K., Sifaki, E., & Bantimaroudis, P. (2020). Digital gatekeepers and website visitors of the Acropolis Museum: revisiting gatekeeping theory in the cultural domain, Museum Management and Curatorship, 35(4), 409-423. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/09647775.2019.1630851
Sifaki, E., Stamou, A., & Papadopoulou, M. (2020). The emergence of a New Wave in contemporary Greek cinema. Processes of artistic production, legitimization and communication in the art world, Athens, National Centre for Social Research, e-book. Available at http://ebooks.epublishing.ekt.gr/index.php/ekke/catalog/book/47
Poupou, A., Nikolaidou, A., & Sifaki, E. (2014).(Eds.), World Film Locations, Athens, London, Intellect.
More detailed information about her work can be found in the following academic networks: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Eirini-Sifaki and https://gdia.uth.gr/prosopiko/eirini-sifaki/
Member of the REBOOT project team Reviving, Boosting, Optimising and Transforming European Film Competitiveness – REBOOT and scientific leader of the work package T5.2 Survey on young people’s film preferences in Europe, ELIAMEP, Funded by the European Research Executive Agency.
13/09/2022 to 31/08/2024
Researcher in charge of the project ‘Interdisciplinary and intercultural approaches for the creation of museum-based meta-narratives of the pandemic. From experience to art and theory’ (Project Code 5600.03.08.09). Funding agency: ELKE University of Thessaly, Research, Innovation and Excellence Structure (DEKA).
2/5/2021 to 1/5/2023
Member of the project team of the ERASMUS+ Weeks of international teaching inclusive and digital (WITEA ID) project. KA2 Strategic Partnerships for higher education, ELKE University of Crete, KA2020-1-CZ01-KA226-HE-094464, Funding: European Union.
01/10/2017 to 30/09-2019
Participation in the project Virtual Teachers’ Toolbox (VVT-Box), Funded by Erasmus+ 2017-1-ES01-KA201-038199, Funding European Union, (KA 4833).
1/4/2017 to 31/3/2019
Participation in the project An innovative game-based educational framework for the development of computational thinking in early childhood education within the context of physical science study, Funding : Special Account for Research of the University of Crete, (KA 4713).
17/09/2018 to 16/09/2020
Participation in the project Mobile Educational Application Developmental Scale (MoEADS).
01/04/2018 to 30/10/2020
Participation in the project Exporter et soutenir le cinéma français dans le contexte des Instituts Français et des Alliances Françaises, IRCAV Workshop Project, Funding: Laboratory of Excellence, Industries Culturelles et Création Artistique/ICCA.
1/7/2016 to 31/05/2018
Researcher within the research project DEFORM: Determine the global and financial impact of research misconduct (Call: GARRI-2015-1; Topic: GARRI-9-2015, Project No. 710246) Funding, HORIZON2020, European Commission.