Apostolos Samaras
Research Fellow, REBOOT and Fair MusE projects; European Law and Governance, Economic Law, Public Law, International Law, Human Rights LawDr Apostolos Samaras is an Attorney at Law and Research Fellow at the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP). He obtained his high school diploma from the Marymount International School of Rome. He studied law and graduated (LLB, Law) from the School of Law of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) in 2015, from which he also received his master’s degree (LLM, European Law) in 2017. Then, he completed his doctoral studies with a scholarship from the State Scholarships Foundation (“ΙΚΥ”). He holds a PhD (with distinction) in European Law from the School of Law of the NKUA (2021).
Currently, he is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow & Teaching Assistant at the School of Law (Department of International Studies) of the NKUA, Adjunct Lecturer at the Hellenic Naval Academy, Visiting Lecturer at the Hellenic Naval War College. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Greek legal journal “European Law”, member of various scientific associations, author of articles and other publications (in English & Greek) in reputable scientific journals. He delivers lectures (in English and Greek) on various topics of European, International and Public law, he participates in educational activities and in the drafting/submission of research proposals. His main areas of research are: European Law and Governance, Economic Law, International Law, Public Law, Human Rights.
He is the author of the following monographs: 1) “The Primacy Principle of EU law: The cornerstone for maintaining the integrity of the autonomous EU legal order” (Nomiki Bibliothiki, 2023, 248 pp.). 2) “The restrictions on the free movement of capital in contemporary EU law” (Nomiki Bibliothiki, 2022, 480 pp.).
The following are some of his publications in peer-reviewed journals: 1) “Defending the ‘Rule of Law’ as a shield for European integration”, Theory and Practice of Administrative Law (Nomiki Bibliothiki), Iss. 10/2023, pp. 1118-1128. 2) “Autonomy as a characteristic feature of the EU”, Synigoros (Nomiki Bibliothiki), Iss. 156/2023, pp. 62-65. 3) “Capital Controls in Turbulent Times”, Synigoros (Nomiki Bibliothiki), Iss. 150/2022, pp. 32-35. 4) “Comments on the ECJ Judgment of 10.3.2022 in the case C-177/20 (Grossmania): Scope of the binding effects of the preliminary rulings”, Theory and Practice of Administrative Law (Nomiki Bibliothiki), Iss. 11/2022, pp. 1265-1272. 5) “Comments on the ECJ Judgment of 14.12.2021 in the case C-490/20 (V.M.A.): Exercise of the right of free movement and residence by a minor child with parents two persons of the same sex”, Theory and Practice of Administrative Law (Nomiki Bibliothiki), Iss. 2/2022, pp. 234-240. 6) “Comments on the ECJ Judgment of 26.10.2021 in the case C‑109/20 (PL Holdings): Ad hoc arbitration agreement which is not compatible with EU law”, Business & Company Law (Nomiki Bibliothiki), Iss. 1/2022, pp. 64-73. 7) “Comments on the ECJ Judgment of 9.9.2021 in the case C-449/20 (Real Vida Seguros): Tax advantage reserved for dividends attached to shares listed on the national stock exchange”, European Law (Nomiki Bibliothiki), Iss. 2/2022, pp. 132-140. 8) “Comments on the ECJ Judgment of 24.10.2019 in the case C-212/18 (Prato Nevoso Termo Energy): Authorisation of bioliquids as fuel for power plants”, European Law (Nomiki Bibliothiki), Iss. 4/2020, pp. 365-377. 9) “Comments on the ECJ Judgment of 10.7.2019 in the case C-410/18 (Aubriet): Financial aid for higher education studies”, European Law (Nomiki Bibliothiki), Iss. 4/2019, pp. 439-449. 10) “Comments on the ECJ Judgment of 12.3.2019 in the case C-221/17 (Tjebbes and Others): Loss of the nationality of a Member State and of citizenship of the EU by operation of law”, Applications of Public Law (Nomiki Bibliothiki), Iss. 2/2019, pp. 159-168. 11) “Comments on the ECJ Judgment of 31.5.2018 in the case C‑190/17 (Zheng): Controls of cash entering or leaving the European Union”, European Law (Nomiki Bibliothiki), Iss. 1/2019, pp. 94-104. 12) “The Malaise of Liberal Democracy in the EU: Heading for the ‘Point of No Return’?”, European Politeia (EPLO Publications), Iss. 1/2018, pp. 49-70. 13) “Comments on the ECJ Judgment of 7.3.2018 in the case C‑651/16 (DW): Social security/maternity benefit to persons employed by an EU institution”, Business & Company Law (Nomiki Bibliothiki), Iss. 3/2018, pp. 390-397. 14) “Hannibal ad portas? Dismantling Euroscepticism”, European Politeia (EPLO Publications), Iss. 1-2/2017, pp. 303-316. 15) “The Imposition of Capital Controls in Greece & Cyprus”, Business & Company Law (Nomiki Bibliothiki), Iss. 11/2017, pp. 1307-1318. 16) “Capital Controls: A Legal Analysis”, Business & Company Law (Nomiki Bibliothiki), Iss. 5/2017, pp. 626-635.
For more information on his educational/professional history, visit his profile on LinkedIn and Academia.edu.