On 9-11 June, the annual Regional Growth Conference (RGC) 2022 was successfully held and ELIAMEP provided advisory services for its organization. The General Director of ELIAMEP, G. Pagoulatos, was a member of the advisory committee and ELIAMEP actively participated through the presence of several advisers and researchers ( S. Blavoukos, A. Dimitriadis, Al. Kritikos, X. Loizidou and R. Meinardus). ELIAMEP actively participated by organising three topics about the Recovery and Resilience Facility, the green transition and migration across the Mediterranean Sea. Presentations and discussions can be found here and here.





Publication: 17/06/2022
Spyros Blavoukos Senior Research Fellow, Head, EU Institutions & Policies Programme; Head of the 'Ariane Condellis' European Programme; Professor, Athens University of Economics & Business
Angeliki Dimitriadi Senior Research Fellow; Head of the Migration Programme (2017-2024)
ELIAMEP at the Regional Growth Conference (RGC) 2022
Ronald Meinardus Senior Research Fellow; Coordinator of research projects on Greek - German relations
ELIAMEP at the Regional Growth Conference (RGC) 2022
Alekos Kritikos Senior Policy Advisor; Former senior official, European Commission; former Secretary General, Ministry of the Interior
George Pagoulatos
George Pagoulatos Ambassador to the OECD; Professor of European Politics and Economy at the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB)
ELIAMEP at the Regional Growth Conference (RGC) 2022
Xenia I. Loizidou Research Fellow, Mediterranean Programme; Civil/ Coastal Engineer; Sustainability and climate change expert
ELIAMEP at the Regional Growth Conference (RGC) 2022
Xenia I. Loizidou Research Fellow, Mediterranean Programme; Civil/ Coastal Engineer; Sustainability and climate change expert