Xenia I. Loizidou
Research Fellow, Mediterranean Programme; Civil/ Coastal Engineer; Sustainability and climate change expertDr Xenia I. Loizidou is a graduate civil engineer of the National Technical University of Athens, she holds an MSc, DIC in coastal Engineering from the Imperial College of London and a PhD on participatory decision support systems for natural resources management from Aristotle University, Thessaloniki. For 30 years she has worked in more than 50 countries as a researcher, a European and international expert, a volunteer and an activist in the fields of coastal and marine environment, climate change, marine litter, green growth/economy, gender issues, peacebuilding, stakeholder involvement, participatory decision making and sustainable development. She holds several offices and has received numerous international awards for her work on sustainability, climate change, marine environment and gender equality. In 2019 she has been appointed by UNEP Ambassador of Mediterranean Coasts. Since February 2020 Xenia is Member of the Compliance Committee of the Barcelona Convention, since April 2020 she is elected member of the Executive Committee of the Leadership Council of the Cyprus Sustainable Development Network of UN (SDSN Cyprus) and since 2022 she is the elected Chairperson of the Advisory Experts Committee of the Department of Civil Engineers, University of Cyprus. She is the author/ co-author of more than 200 published papers in Scientific Journals and International Conferences, books and Technical Reports. She is co-founder of the consulting firm ISOTECH and founding member and the Chairperson of the NGO AKTI Project and Research Centre. She is the mother of two daughters, Leda and Maria.