Angeliki Dimitriadi

Angeliki Dimitriadi

Senior Research Fellow; Head of the Migration Programme (2017-2024)

Angeliki Dimitriadi was Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Migration Programme at ELIAMEP. She is a political scientist interested in irregular migration and asylum, foreign policy of migration, and the interplay between migratory movement and policies of deterrence and protection. Her research looks on Europe, particularly the front-line countries and countries of transit (Turkey).

She is Non-resident fellow at the Global Public Policy Institute where she worked as a Research Fellow between 2021-2022. Previously, she was Visiting Fellow in residence on migration and asylum policy at the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) in Berlin between October 2015 and April 2016.

She has published articles in referred journals and is the author of two monographs, “Transit migration to Greece: the case of Afghans, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis” (Nissos publishing, in Greek) and “Afghan migration Europe: at the margins, looking in” (Palgrave, 2018).

She holds a PhD from Democritus University of Thrace (2012), an MA from King’s College London (2003) and a BSc from the London School of Economics (2002).

Recent Publications

Dimitriadi, A. (2023). The Greek Asylum Regime: From Latecomer on Reception to “Inspirational” Model on Asylum Procedures. In: Finotelli, C., Ponzo, I. (eds) Migration Control Logics and Strategies in Europe. IMISCOE Research Series. Springer, Cham.
Dimitriadi, A. “Of ‘in-between’ spaces and (un)interrupted journeys. Transit migration” in Triandafyllidou, A. (Ed.). (2022). Routledge Handbook of Immigration and Refugee Studies (2nd ed.). Routledge.
Dimitriadi, A. (2022). Governing Migrant (Im)mobility in Greece After the EU-Turkey Statement. In: Kousis, M., Chatzidaki, A., Kafetsios, K. (eds) Challenging Mobilities in and to the EU during Times of Crises. IMISCOE Research Series. Springer, Cham.

Dimitriadi, A. (2022). The gradual emergence of a Greek reception system amidst multiple “crises” in Caponio, T., & Ponzo, I. Coping with Migrants and Refugees: Multilevel Governance across the EU (1st ed.). Routledge.

Dimitriadi, A. The EU’s response to forced migration from Afghanistan A joint way forward for returns? In Ceccorulli, M., & Fassi, E. (Eds.). (2021). The EU’s External Governance of Migration: Perspectives of Justice (1st ed.). Routledge.

Dimitriadi, A. and Kaya, A. (2021). ‘EU Turkey relations on migration: transactional partnership’ in Saatcioglu, B& Tekin, F. (2021) Turkey and the European Union: Key Dynamics and Future Scenarios, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.

Dimitriadi, A. (2020). The future of European migration and asylum policy post COVID-19. InFEPS Covid Response Paper.Brussels: Foundation for European Progressive Studies. Available online:

Dallal S. & Dimitriadi, A. (2019) Crossing the Eastern Mediterranean Sea in Search of “Protection”, Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 17:3, 261-278, DOI: 10.1080/15562948.2018.1444831

Dimitriadi, A. (2018) Irregular Afghan migration to Europe: at the margins looking in, Palgrave

Dimitriadi, A. (2017) Governing irregular migration at the margins of Europe. The case of hotspots on the Greek islands, Etnografia e ricerca qualitative 1:75-96

Dimitriadi, A. (2017) Lessons from the frontline: What can be learnt from the Greek experience, in Pastore F (ed) ‘Beyond the Migration and Asylum crisis: options and lessons for Europe’, Rome: Aspen Institute.

Dimitriadi, A. (2017) In pursuit of asylum: Afghan migrants in Greece, European Journal of Migration and Law Special Issue, Beyond Irregular Migration Governance: Zooming in on Migrants’ Agency.

Dimitriadi, A. (2016) The Impact of the EU-Turkey Statement on Protection and Reception: The Case of Greece, Roma, IAI.

Dimitriadi, A. (2016) Deals without borders: EU’s foreign policy on migration, European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR)
