The ‘Ariane Condellis’ European Programme of the Hellenic Foundation For European & Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) organizes an event on the recurring challenges associated with migration flows and the EU response to them. Entitled “The New Pact on Migration and Asylum: A Fresh start?”, the event is being held in a hybrid format, allowing for both online and in-person participation, on June 6th at the Β&Μ Theocharakis Foundation. It is organized in the framework of the EU funded program EUact2 (“Towards Democratic and Inclusive Europe: EP Elections and Active Citizens Participation and Contribution“), which aims to increase civic engagement of the youth in view of the upcoming European Parliament elections.
The discussion will focus on the current state of migration in Europe, including the recent initiatives surrounding the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. Participants will discuss the primary objectives of this Pact, its new elements and critically assess its perspectives. The event will be conducted in English.
Desislava Ivanova, Protection Associate, UNHCR’s Representation for EU Affairs in Brussels
Dr.Angeliki Dimitriadi, Head of Migration Policy Unit, ENA Institute
Ass. Professor Daniela Marouda, International/ Humanitarian Law, Panteion University
Lora Pappa, President & CEO, METAdrasi – Action for Migration and Development
Odin Linardatou, Head of Communications, ELIAMEP
Please fill out the form to participate here.
Participants will receive a certificate of attendance.