The study ‘Collecting Societies and Cultural Diversity in the Music Sector’ has been commissioned by the European Parliament in order to take stock of recent market developments in the field of music rights management and examine how EU policy on music rights licensing affects (or might affect) cultural diversity in the music sector. The study is based on the premise that music rights management may have major repercussions on creative activity and the market availability of diversified musical content. The business model used for the collection and distribution of revenues to right holders can affect the volume of creative output and condition the presence of different types of music repertoire in the market.
With a view to investigating the cultural ramifications of recent EU action in the field of music rights management and relevant market developments, in-depth research has been carried out in five EU Member States, which were selected as ‘case-studies’: Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK. Research was coordinated by the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) and drew on the expertise of a team of academics and research fellows that specialise in intellectual property matters.
Duration: December 2008-June 2009
Funded by the European Parliament, Directorate General for Internal Policies, Policy Department Structural and Cohesion Policies
Project Coordinator: Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy