The PAVE research team of ELIAMEP is publishing a policy brief featuring crucial findings and recommendations on how to foster community resilience in North Macedonia. During the 25-day fieldwork in North Macedonia, ELIAMEP’s PAVE project researchers conducted twenty-nine interviews and four focus group discussions. The research team also conducted a discourse analysis of online content. In total, the team analysed 61 Facebook pages, relevant groups, and YouTube channels, 29 of them in the Macedonian language and 32 in the Albanian language.
Read what government institutions and civil society organisations, as well as international policy makers can do to make local communities in North Macedonia more resilient against radicalisation and extremist ideologies.
You can access the Policy Brief on North Macedonia in English, Albanian and Macedonian.
Seven policy briefs
The PAVE project goes beyond research. In this context, PAVE partners produced seven policy briefs issuing recommendations to government authorities and civil society, as well as international policy makers in each of the countries under investigation. Each policy brief summarises the country-specific methodology as well as its findings, while presenting targeted recommendations on improving the effectiveness and relevance of P/CVE strategies by the respective actors.
After three years of research and analysis within the PAVE consortium, we are convinced that a common political strategy including all parts of society is needed to address the complex problem of violent extremism. Therefore, with its policy recommendations tailored to each research country and communicated to governments, civil society and international actors, PAVE contributes to the search for comprehensive P/CVE strategies that are responsive to local needs, and thereby contribute to building vibrant, proactive, and resilient communities.
Download the policy briefs on Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, and Serbia as well as Iraq, Lebanon, and Tunisia.