Cheryl Novak, Junior Research Fellow in Ocean Governance, Sustainability & Blue Growth; Project manager on the AMIF ‘ATHENA’ Research Project, ELIAMEP, chaired a panel about climate change, sustainability and the way to a greener future.


Raffaele Mauro Petriccione, Director General for Climate Action, European Commission

Maria Spyraki, Member, European People’s Party Group, European Parliament

Danae Kyriakopoulou, Chief Economist & Director of Research, Chair of Sustainable Policy Institute, OMFIF

Ernst Rauch, Global Head of Climate & Public Sector Business Development, Munich Re Group, Germany

Yannis Maniatis, Professor, former Hellenic Minister for the Environment, Energy & Climate Change

Publication: 19/05/2021 Delphi Economic Forum
Cheryl Novak Research Associate; Sustainability and Migration