ELIAMEP held a closed seminar on Tuesday 12 November on the occasion of the publication of our fourth “European Economy Briefing Paper”, titled The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) between a rock and a hard place: its new challenges and uncertain prospects”, written for ELIAMEP by Tasos Haniotis, Senior Guest Research Scholar at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis and Special Advisor for Sustainable Productivity at the Forum for the Future of Agriculture, and until 2022 a senior official of the European Commission.

The discussion was moderated by Manos Matsaganis, Professor at Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy, Head of the Greek and European Economy Programme at ELIAMEP, and A. G. Leventis Foundation Senior Research Fellow.

24021Closed seminar on: “The Common Agricultural Policy between the hammer and the thorn: New Challenges and Uncertain Prospects”
The A. G. Leventis Foundation Chair
Dimitris Katsikas
Calliope SpanouApostolos FasianosDimitra TsigkouManto LampropoulouManos MatsaganisGeorgios ManalisChrysa Papalexatou