The 2nd three-day Transnational Reflection forum under the EUact2″Towards Democratic and Inclusive Europe: EP Elections and Active Citizens’ Participation and Contribution” project was conducted in Vienna, Austria, from November 15th to 17th. The forum was organized by GLOBSEC in collaboration with IDM, European Movement (EM) Ireland, and ELIAMEP, with the primary goal of bringing together the young leaders from across EU to generate European policy recommendations on various topics.
During the forum, Katalin Tünde Huber (Head of Unit for EU Enlargement, Department for Southeast Europe and EU Enlargement, Twinning and TAIEX, Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs) presented an overview of the developments on EU enlargement in a rapidly evolving geopolitical landscape and the required reforms that are crucial for the EU evolution. Simultaneously, Erika Piirmets (Advocate for a more convenient society / Digital Transformation Adviser at e-Estonia), along with Julia Haas (Adviser to the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media) explored Estonia’s digital transformation and the role of Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms in shaping citizens’ access to information. Furthermore, discussions encompassed Climate Change and European Climate Policies by Daniel Huppmann, (Senior Research Scholar, International Institute for Applied System Analysis), as well as Migration issues, European Migration Policy, and Austria’s role, led by Judith Kohlenberger(Post-doctoral Researcher, Institute for Social Policy, Vienna University for Economics and Business, WU).
More than thirty young participants from various EU member states participated to discuss the EU’s future over the next two decades. They formed working groups that addressed current policies and synthesized proposals across various topics. These proposals will feature in a forthcoming report aimed at influencing policymaking both at the national and European levels.