This paper provides an in-depth analysis of the outcome of the June 2024 European Parliament elections, focusing on the characteristics of national political formations that are represented in Strasbourg and the identity of the political groups in the European Parliament. This analysis is based on two axes of ideological and political nature: (1) the political […]
The ALGREE project announces the publication of its first thematic paper entitled “The Journey of Albania’s Justice Reform: Progress Amidst Ongoing Implementation Challenges” authored by Bledar Feta and Çelik Rruplli. This publication puts under the microscope the judicial reform in Albania, which is one of the prerequisites for the country to advance its EU membership. […]
The publication “The rise of radical right and Eurosceptic political forces and the impact on the EU’s enlargement policy” is a result of the initiative think nea – New Narratives of EU Integration, funded by the Open Society Foundations – Western Balkans. The initiative contributes to reimagining the EU’s engagement with the Western Balkans, as […]
This policy brief discusses the role of Greece in the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC), focusing mainly on those aspects related to infrastructure and ports and the global supply chain. It suggests a series of different actions and highlights different angles that Greece should take into account if it wants to be a major player […]
Analyzing data from the European Social Survey (ESS), we explore macro-level effects of the 2015 refugee crisis on public attitudes toward immigration in Greece. Contrary to the belief that the crisis hardened Greeks’ attitudes toward immigration, we find no evidence of a significant negative effect that persists over time. Indeed, we observe a slight improvement […]
The Transatlantic Periscope is an interactive, multimedia tool that brings together expert commentary, high-quality media coverage, official policy documents, quantitative data, social media posts, and gray literature. It will provide on a monthly basis a summary of the most important news concerning the Greek-US relations, as reflected in the media. Below you will find an […]
In the annual Special Edition “ELIAMEP Outlook – Predictions for 2025”, sixteen of ELIAMEP’s leading analysts and associates present their predictions for the New Year. They assess the main challenges, the trends, the risks, the potential opportunities and inflection points of 2025 for Greece, Europe, the Mediterranean and the world. Table of contents: A year […]
This policy paper will argue that, after the collapse of the junta in 1974, civil-military relations in Greece primarily involved the consolidation of democratic rule. In that respect, Greece resembled many other countries which failed in their post-authoritarian phase to engage in second-generation reforms that would focus on improving the efficiency of their Armed Forces […]