On 21 November 2007 the members of the L’Esprit de Sel Group, an advisory group to Marek Siwiec, Vice-President of the European Parliament, met in Brussels. The Group, which includes Janis A. Emmanouilidis, Stavros Costopoulos Research Fellow at ELIAMEP, discussed the details of a joint report on Europe 2020 which is scheduled to be published in early 2008.

The Group consists of Carl-Fredrik Bergström, Professor at Stockholm University and Deputy Director of the Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (SIEPS), Janis A. Emmanouilidis, Stavros Costopoulos Research Fellow, ELIAMEP, Lykke Fries, Prorector, University of Copenhagen, Paul Hofheinz, President of The Lisbon Council, Gaetane Ricard-Nihoul, Secretary General of Notre Europe, Pawel Swieboda, Director of demosEUROPA, and Tamas Szemler, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for World Economy, Hungarian Academy of Sciences.