In the past couple of years, ELIAMEP has developed a Gender Equality Plan to tackle existing disparities and to mainstream gender in the content of its research and policy-related activities.
It did so through successive phases of a gender audit, designing the action plan, implementing its activities and monitoring the extent to which they promote general and specific goals.
This is the final report of the TARGET project (“Taking a Reflexive approach to Gender Equality for institutional Transformation”, Horizon 2020, 2017 – 2021). It provides an overview of the process of developing a customized gender equality plan within ELIAMEP, the activities that have been carried out, and the main changes that took place, on the basis of quantitative and qualitative data collected in the frame of monitoring the plan’s implementation. The report also lays out a sustainability strategy for ELIAMEP’s gender equality policy beyond the end of the TARGET project.
You can read it here.