Objective: Local government authorities have a crucial role to play in pursuing immigrant integration and in managing multi-ethnic diversity. Their involvement in this policy area has rapidly grown in many European countries. Towards filling the gap concerning the prospects and conditions under which the integration of migrants in the Greek society can be better achieved, the purpose of the project LOMIGRAS was twofold: (a) to investigate the local government’s involvement in the process of migrants’ integration and the extent to which it promotes, or conversely hinders their integration, and (b) to develop a usable interactive tool to monitor and assess the effects of local government in promoting migrant integration. The starting assumption of this research was that local government institutions have a profound role in promoting, or conversely hindering, immigrants’ integration, regardless of whether they explicitly assigned competences in this area.
Description: The LOMIGRAS project for the first time has developed and established a tool based on the EU Common Basic Principles, which have recognized the importance of monitoring and assessment mechanisms. Specifically, the project has (a) developed a set of criteria and indicators to measure migrant integration at the local level, and (b) designed a technological tool that allows stakeholders, such as local government authorities, other public agencies, and non-government organizations to apply and use this methodology in order to assess migrant integration outcomes. Overall, the project has an important contribution to academic research and policy-relevant knowledge both in Greece as well as other EU countries.
Project Team
– Dia Anagnostou / Senior Research Fellow
– Kontogianni Aimilia / Junior Research Fellow
– Dimitris Skleparis / Postdoctoral Research Fellow
– Markos Konstantakis / Junior Research Fellow
– George Tzogopoulos / Research Fellow
– Alexandra Zavos / External Expert
– Andreas Takis / External Expert
The report on “Local Government and Migrant Integration in Greece” is available here
– Presentation LOMIGRAS findings in Athens, 7 September 2016
Visit the website of the project here