ELIAMEP Crisis Observatory participates in the bi-regional research programme Jean Monnet Network “CRISUELA – Crisis-Equity-Democracy for Europe and Latin America”. The aim is the comparative study of crisis and crisis management as well as its social and democratic implications, in Europe and Latin AmericaThis process will allow an exchange of information and experiences between Europe and Latin America, but also the opening of a bi-regional dialogue on the social and macroeconomic policies and crisis management, providing additional content to the Strategic Alliance the Summits EU-CELAC are supposed to build.
The programme will be coordinated by IRELAC with the participation of:
- Institute of International Relations of the University of Sao Paulo (IRI-USP) (Brazil)
- Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP)
- Istituto Affari Internazionali (Italy)
- Academic Researcher: Stephan Schulmeister (Austria)
- IRELAC (Belgium)
The duration of the project is three years (September 2016-August 2019).
For further information, please contact Dimitris Katsikas, Head of Crisis Observatory.
The programme is co-funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ programme.
1st International Seminar and kick-off meeting, 6 June 2017, Brussels, Belgium.
2nd International Seminar- “Crises and Institutions in Latin America and Europe“, 30-31 October 2017, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
3rd International Seminar– “Managing Multiple Crises in Times of Global Uncertainty: The EU and Latin America resilience, challenges and future perspectives”, 16 April 2018, Rome, Italy.
4th International Seminar– “Another World is Possible”, 18-19 September, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
5th International Seminar– “Regionalism: Towards a cooperative way-out beyond the crisis”, 9-11 January 2019, Sandiago, Chile.
6th International Seminar– “Crisis Management and Democracy in EU and Latin America: Lessons Learned”, 27-28 June 2019, Athens, Greece.