Based on the premise that national, regional and international security are closely connected, this research area covers a wide range of geographic and thematic topics. Greek foreign and security policy and Greece’s role in the European security architecture and the Mediterranean are priorities at the centre of this research cluster. The Cyprus issue and Greek-Turkish relations in view of Turkey’s EU vocation and the consequent changes in its society, politics and foreign policy constitute the fundamental pillars of this research area.

Furthermore, ELIAMEP explores a number of thematic and functional issues. Good governance, energy security, and asymmetric threats, such as international terrorism, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, or transnational criminal networks, are studied in terms of the new challenges these pose for the security sector.

In parallel, ELIAMEP’s projects address political and security developments as well as regional cooperation in Southeastern Europe, the future of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EMP), and other initiatives, such as the new European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), NATO’s Mediterranean Dialogue (MD) and the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI) as well as the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC). Activities include expert meetings, workshops and conferences, conflict resolution and training seminars, working and policy papers and cooperation among networks of institutes.

Research is conducted on the grounds of specific areas and themes. In particular, ELIAMEP runs the following Programmes:

Within the Framework of its co-operation with International Alert and Early Working ELIAMEP also organised the 2012 Halki International Seminar dealing with the media in South-Eastern Europe.

Greek National Security Policy in the 21st Century
A Strategy for Trade Integration in South East Europe
NATO’s Mediterranean Dialogue: Prospects and policy recommendations
Γεωπολιτική ανάλυση του εμπορευματικού θάλασσιου διαύλου Δαρδανελίων-Αιγαίου
Το Ισλάμ και η Οικονομία στην Τουρκία
Δύο λόγοι στην Αβάνα, μία σύντομη ιστορία αναφοράς στις διεθνείς σχέσεις
Περιφερειακή Συνεργασία στην Ανατολική και Νοτιοανατολική Ευρώπη
Η Ισλαμική Εκπαίδευση στην Τουρκία: Η περίπτωση των Imam-Hatip
Η Αραβοϊσραηλινή σύγκρουση και η γεωπολιτική της ανατολικής Μεσογείου στο δεύτερο ήμισυ του 20ου αιώνα
Ο φόβος του αγνώστου: Το Κεμαλικό σύστημα στο νέο αιώνα
Η αναμόρφωση των Ηνωμένων Εθνών
Σχολές σκέψης και Ελληνική εξωτερική πολιτική
Εθνικισμός, Εθνοτισμός και υπερεθνικότητα: Η ανάπτυξη μιας κοινής εθνοτικής συνείδησης στην Κύπρο του 21ου αιώνα
Πρόσφατες εξελίξεις στον τομέα της Ευρωπαϊκής Πολιτικής Ασφάλειας και Άμυνας και στο ΝΑΤΟ: Συνέπειες για την Ελλάδα
Η ραγδαία πολιτική και οικονομική άνοδος της Κίνας και οι επιπτώσεις για την παγκόσμια οικονομική και πολιτική σκηνή
Η σύγχρονη Τουρκική πραγματικότητα και ο ρόλος του στρατού στις δομές εξουσίας του κράτους
Κόσοβο: ανάλυση λύσεων και επιπτώσεων στις Διεθνείς Σχέσεις
Intelligence services in the national security system: the case of EYP
Ethnic pressure groups(lobbies) and american foreign policy
The return of satellite weapons
Working Papers
The return of satellite weapons
Alexandros K. KOLOVOS
Athens – Skopje: An uneasy symbiosis
Αντιμετωπίζοντας την εξάπλωση των όπλων μαζικής καταστροφής
Η εξέλιξη του franchise της τρομοκρατίας: Αλ-Κάιντα
Security and Strategic Cooperation in the Mediterranean: Confidence-building and conflict prevention
The preventive war doctrine and the war in Afghanistan: crisis management or war conflict?
ELIAMEP Thesis 3/2008 – Searching for a Solution to the Iranian Nuclear Puzzle
Common security in outer space: envisaging an effective arms control regime
International Relations and the Macedonian Question
Action without foresight
Globalization and Regionalism: A double challenge for Greece
UK / Greece: A new look at relations
Kosovo under international administration: An unfinished conflict
ELIAMEP Thesis 3/2009: The Current Macedonian Issue between Athens and Skopje: Is there an Option for a Breakthrough?
ELIAMEP Thesis 5/2009: Cyprus
ELIAMEP Thesis 6/2009: Cyprus: five months of anxiety and hope ahead
The Greek energy security policy: Greek views in the EU context and required actions to secure supply
ELIAMEP Thesis 2/2010: EU energy security and Russia: a re-conceptualization of threats and policy priorities
Solutions proposed by a Greek Think-Tank for the Kosovo Conundrum
Short Dictionary of Greek-Turkish relations
Vyron Theodoropoulos the diplomat and teacher: essays in the footprints of his thought
ELIAMEP Thesis 3/2010: Russia’s ‘regeneration’ and the perspectives for the Greek-Russian relations
ELIAMEP Thesis 4/2010: Organised crime and corruption in and around South-Eastern Europe: trends and counter-efforts
ELIAMEP Thesis 6/2010: Kosovo after the Hague
From the Balkans to South East Europe: challenges and prospects in the 21st century
Electing a new head for the Assembly of Experts in Iran & the controversy between reformists and conservatives
Προκλήσεις εσωτερικής ασφάλειας: η ανάγκη μεταρρύθμισης του μηχανισμού διαχείρισης εκτάκτων καταστάσεων
“March of millions”: upheaval in Arab World?
International law and diplomacy on the Turkish military intervention of Cyprus
Turkish Policy in Africa
Working Papers
Turkish Policy in Africa
Η κρίση της Υεμένης: αιτίες και προοπτικές
Ο ανταγωνισμός Σηιτών-Σουνιτών και η εξέγερση στο Μπαχρέιν
Yemen in chaos: what does the end of Saleh’s rule mean for the future of the Arabia Felix?
From crisis to recovery: sustainable growth in South East Europe
Turkish-Iranian relations and the crisis in Syria
National organization for Space exploitation in Greece: choices for decision makers
Tension in Eastern Mediterranean: The geopolitical ‘Quadrangle’ of Greece, Cyprus, Israel and Turkey
Integrating the Balkans in the European Union: Addressing social capital, the informal economy and regional co-operation challenges in Southeast Europe
Turkish-Iranian relations and the NATO Missile-Defense Radar
In Defense of “Free Peoples”:The Truman doctrine and its impact on Greece during the civil war years, 1947-1949
Conflict in the Caucasus and the Black Sea Region: Causes and Prospects for Resolution
We and the others: Greece’s image in FYROM’s press and education system (1995-2002)
Turkish political culture and the future of the Greco-Turkish rapprochement
Direct and Indirect Leadership: The Case of the US in Bosnia
Globalisation and the Role of the United Nations in the 21st Century
Reshaping Greek-Turkish Relations: Developments before and after the EU-summit in Helsinki
Intelligence and the Pursuit of Security Goals
Women’s Status on the Threshold of the Third Millennium
Barriers to the Transition of Enterprises in BSEC Countries from Central Plan to Market Economy
The Management of the Sea Lanes of Communication in South East Asia and the ASEAN Regional Forum’s Performance
Democratization in the Arab-Muslim World
Working Papers
Democratization in the Arab-Muslim World
Bichara KHADER
Security Considerations in the Euro-Mediterranean Area
The Troubled Triangle: Cyprus, Greece, Turkey
Working Papers
The Troubled Triangle: Cyprus, Greece, Turkey
Cyprus and the European Union: Problems and Prospects
Central Europe and the Yugoslav Wars
Working Papers
Central Europe and the Yugoslav Wars
After Dayton: Building Peace in the Balkans
Working Papers
After Dayton: Building Peace in the Balkans
Marie-Janine CALIC
The Role of Diplomacy in Handling International Crises in the Post-Bipolar Era. The Case of the Balkans
Central Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean Region: Similarities and Differences
Tourism and Environment
Working Papers
Tourism and Environment
Russian Collectivism: An Invisible Fist in the Transformation Process of Russia
Euro-Mediterranean Political Relations: Confidence- and Security-Builidng Measures
Israel under Netanyahu
Working Papers
Israel under Netanyahu
The Challenge of the Central-Eastern European and the Mediterranean Regions for Creating a New European Security Order
Security Problems in the Mediterranean
Security and Strategy in the Eastern Mediterranean
A Strategy for Trade Integration in South East Europe: Accomplishments and Future Challenges
The Barcelona Process after Valencia and Seville: What Priorities for the 2003 Greek Presidency?
Cyprus at the Gate of the European Union: Scenarios, Challenges and Prospects
Setting on a long and narrow path towards EU membership: The aftermath of 3 October 2005 in the Turkish Press
New Book of Dr. Evangelos Venetis: The Greeks in Modern Iran
The Battle of the Pipelines -The Need for a Greek Plan B
Crime and Punishment in Contemporary Greece: International Comparative Perspectives
An analysis of the Hague Judgement of 5 December 2011
Briefing Note: “US military withdrawal from Iraq”
Briefing Note: “The EU imposes a phased embargo on Iranian crude oil”
Ενημερωτικό σημείωμα: «Στρατηγικό άνοιγμα του Ισραήλ στην Κύπρο»
Briefing Notes: ‘Jumping off the ship? What does MOL’s withdrawal signify for Nabucco’s Future
Briefing Note: ‘South Stream gains momentum as Bulgaria threatens to procrastinate’
Analysis of Dr. Theodore Tsakiris on the Southern Gas Corridor and Azerbaijan’s policy
Policy Paper: ‘The energy dimension of Greek foreign policy’
Briefing Note: ‘The agreements between Nabucco and Shah Deniz’
Working Paper: ‘Learning from the Arab Spring: Turkish foreign policy in flux’
ELIAMEP Thesis: ‘Greek defence spending in times of crisis: The urgent need for defence reforms’
Publication by Research Associate of ELIAMEP Dr Elena Lazarou for FRIDE
Briefing Note of Albanian Elections Observatory
Briefing Note: ‘Armenian presidential elections 2013′
Briefing Note: ‘The prospects for Greek-Israeli relations: A view from Athens’
Briefing Note:’The difficult path of Turkish-Israeli rapprochement’
Briefing Note: ‘Kosovo Security Force: Quo Vadis?’
‘Guide: The Conflict in Syria’
Working Papers
‘Guide: The Conflict in Syria’
Thanos Dokos
Working Paper: ‘Exploiting opportunities of decision-making in networks by weak actors. The case of hydrocarbons exploration in Cyprus’
Briefing Note: ‘Presidential elections in Azerbaijan’
Κείμενο Εργασίας: «Αναζητώντας τρόπους επανεκκίνησης της τουρκικής εξωτερικής πολιτικής στη Μέση Ανατολή»
Κείμενο Πολιτικής: «Οι τουρκοϊσραηλινές σχέσεις και οι στρατηγικοί υπολογισμοί Ελλάδας-Κύπρου για ενεργειακά θέματα»
Κείμενο Εργασίας: «Ο ανταγωνισμός Τουρκίας-Σαουδικής Αραβίας για την ηγεσία του σουνίτικου ισλαμικού κόσμου»
10th issue of Middle East Mediterranean Report focuses on Greek – Azerbaijani relations
Πώς επηρεάζει η ουκρανική κρίση την ελληνική προεδρία της ΕΕ;
7η Σύνοδος Κορυφής ΕΕ-Βραζιλίας: Τι να περιμένουμε;
ELIAMEP working paper deals with Russian energy policy in view of its WTO accession
Working Papers
ELIAMEP working paper deals with Russian energy policy in view of its WTO accession
Στρατηγικό Αλφαβητάρι της κρίσης στην Ουκρανία
Ποια η στρατηγική της Ρωσίας και ο ρόλος της Ευρώπης στην ουκρανική κρίση
Who lost (in) Kiev?
Policy briefs
Who lost (in) Kiev?
Panagiota Manoli
ELIAMEP Working Paper analyses Greek engagement with the European Defence Agency
Dr Thanos Dokos’ paper analyses the probability of nuclear use by Iran
ELIAMEP Working Paper explores energy parameters of the evolving crisis between Russia, the EU and Ukraine
ΕLIAMEP working paper analyses relations of Iran with Greece and the EU
ELIAMEP working paper analyses the American factor and geopolitics in Greek foreign policy
ELIAMEP working paper deals with KFOR and the provision of security in Northern Kosovo
Dr Thanos Dokos analyses in Europe’s World what Ukraine can reasonably expect from the EU
Middle East-Mediterranean Report, 11th issue
How does the economic crisis impact on Greece’s relations with Balkan countries?
Dr Panagiota Manoli wrote the commissioned report: ‘Regional Cooperation in the Black Sea: Building an Inclusive, Innovative and Integrated Region’
ELIAMEP report deals with the Western Balkan EU Accession Process and the Greek Presidency 2014
ELIAMEP working paper focuses on democracy in Western Balkans
ELIAMEP working paper deals with Greek foreign policy in the Balkans
Working Papers
ELIAMEP working paper deals with Greek foreign policy in the Balkans
Ioannis Armakolas
Anastasios VALVIS
ELIAMEP working paper analyses Greek-Russian relations
Working Papers
ELIAMEP working paper analyses Greek-Russian relations
ELIAMEP working paper concentrates on the Cyprus Question
ELIAMEP policy paper deals with European Space Policy and security in Greece
Dr Thanos Dokos analysis the Ukrainian crisis in his ELIAMEP Thesis
ELIAMEP working paper analyses AKP’s domestic policy
ELIAMEP working paper analyses developments in Eastern Mediterranean
New Middle East-Mediterranean Report deal with the Palestinian Problem
Writing for Welt Trends Dr Thanos Dokos analyses Greece’s policy towards the Middle East
ELIAMEP working paper concentrates on the Cyprus Question
The portrayal of SYRIZA in the Balkans
The portrayal of SYRIZA in the Balkans
Katherine POSEIDONIoannis ArmakolasBledar Feta
ELIAMEP working paper deals with Turkish foreign policy
Working Papers
ELIAMEP working paper deals with Turkish foreign policy
Ioannis N. Grigoriadis
New MERP focuses on Greek entrepreneurship in the Middle East
ELIAMEP briefing note deals with the situation in Somalia
Policy briefs
ELIAMEP briefing note deals with the situation in Somalia
ELIAMEP briefing note deals with the Islamic threat during the ongoing refugee crisis
ELIAMEP working paper deals with Islam’s role in the Balkans
Middle East-Mediterranean Report, 16th issue
ELIAMEP briefing note analyses China’s participation in Juncker’s Investment Plan
ELIAMEP briefing not analyses relations between Israel and Turkey
Working Paper: ‘The Kurdish issue: 1984 – 2013’
Matching ambitions with realities: Turkish foreign policy in the Middle East
‘Short dictionary’ of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict