TGAE IV report focuses on EU External Action and the new challenges for Europe at the international stage. It will be published in March 2013 under the direction of Senior Research Fellow at Notre Europe Elvire Fabry.You can find more information here.


A report TGAE III has been prepared under the auspices of Notre Europe with the aim of making recommendations to the EU’s trio presidency including Poland, Danemark and Cyprus (July 2011 – December 2012). Like for the second edition, the report has been introduced by a global synthesis written by the editiorial committee (Notre Europe, Demos Europa, Danish Institute for International Studies, Cyprus Center for European and International Affairs).

The kick-of event will be organized in Brussels at Egmont during June 2011.


A report TGAE II has been prepared under the auspices of Notre Europe with the aim of making recommendations to the EU’s trio presidency including Spain, Belgium and Hungary (January 2010 – June 2011). Like for the first edition, the report has been introduced by a global synthesis written by the editiorial committee (Notre Europe, Elcano, Egmont, GKI).

The kick-of event was organized in Brussels at Egmont during March 2010. In addition Elcano will organize a conference in Spain during spring 2010, under the Spanish presidency.


Notre Europe and the Fondation pour l’Innovation politique (Fondapol) brought together a group of European think tanks with the aim of making recommendations to the EU’s trio presidency including France, the Czech Republic and Sweden (July 2008 – December 2009).

The “Think Global – Act European” (TGAE) project brings together 13 renowned think tanks including ELIAMEP, which has contributed five papers to the final report. The other think tanks participating in the TGAE project are Bruegel, CEPS, CER, demosEUROPA, DIIS, ECFR, EPC, EUROPEUM, SIEPS, SWP.

The TGAE report including an introductory summary and all papers provided by the participating think tanks was presented on 23 May 2008 in Paris. This public event brought together high profile political personalities, in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris, the Aspen France Institute, the newspaper Les Echos and the internet media

The TGAE report served also as a basis of discussions at the Third European Think Tank Forum organized by Notre Europe, Institut Aspen France and Fondation pour l’Innovation politique (Fondapol) in Paris on September 19-20, 2008 with the partnership of the OECD. The conference entitled “What European Policy Outlines for 2020?” took place at the OECD and hosted around fifty participants.

Contact person at ELIAMEP: Dr. Filippa Chatzistavrou.