The European Portal for Cooperation on Education, Training, Culture and Research “EuroPlan Portal” publishes a proclamation for the International Master’s programme “European Project Design and Management: Methods and Techniques for Design and Management of Projects Funded by the European Commission”.
The aim of this Master’s programme is to provide participants with the skills required to work successfully in the field of international cooperation through the use of European funding programmes.
The duration of the programme is 5 months, it takes place in Florence, Italy and is aimed at graduates of all disciplines worldwide. During the postgraduate course, all participants will take part in a three-month internship as European Project Manager Assistants in 60 Organizations from 20 countries across Europe in order to achieve a profound insight regarding the integration of theory and practice.
The deadline for submission of applications is June 20, 2019.
The full Master’s degree, the nature of the curriculum and the practical details, can be found online here.