As part of its voluntary internship program, ELIAMEP wishes to include in its team 1 part-time intern for cooperation on its Mediterranean Programme.
The selected candidate will have the opportunity to support research in areas related to political, trade, and socio-economic developments of the Mediterranean region and its relevance to Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Americas, and Asia, as well as write analysis in collaboration with the thematic leader.
The position offers the opportunity to collaborate with ELIAMEP’s Senior Policy experts as well as gain experience in developing geo-economic analysis as part of a diverse team of collaborators. At this stage, it is an unpaid internship.
The position is available from April 1, 2022, for a period of six (6) months.
Qualifications required:
- Ph.D. candidates, graduates, or final-year students of a postgraduate program in a Greek or foreign university with a focus on economics, international trade, political sciences, international relations, and/or European studies and a special interest in Mediterranean affairs.
- Excellent knowledge of Greek and English (written and oral) with English as prioritized. Proficiency in Arabic is of advantage.
- Excellent use of written language for short analysis and longer analytical reports.
- Excellent use of technology for written content.
- Developed organizational skills, diligence, good communication, and team spirit.
Deadline for applications: March 27, 2023.
Interested candidates are kindly requested to submit their CV, along with a short motivation letter highlighting why they wish to join the Mediterranean Program and how they intend to assist our work in English at: mentioning the position code: INTERNMED_2023.
* ELIAMEP is in full compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR 679/2016), which its staff strictly applies in the collection and processing of personal data.
** ELIAMEP is committed to equal opportunities in the evaluation and recruitment of its personnel, and it does not discriminate based on gender, race or ethnic origin, religious and other convictions, sexual orientation, age, or disability.