Curious about trends in goods traded within the Mediterranean region?
As expected, EU Med countries have reported the largest volume of goods traded with the Med region compared to other Med sub-regions. This has fluctuated over the last ten years but has increased strongly in the past two years. For the other Med sub-regions, i.e. Levantine, North Africa, and European non-EU, the volume of intra-Med trade has remained comparatively stable over the last decade.
Note: Analysis produced by Alma Economics based on data from the UN Comtrade database. Due to incomplete data for 2023, we conducted our analysis up until 2022. Values include trade only for goods. The Mediterranean sub-regions are defined as follows: Levantine (Israel, Lebanon, State of Palestine, Syria), North Africa (Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia), European non-EU (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Turkey), and EU Med (Croatia, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Slovenia, Spain). Algeria, Libya and Syria are excluded from this analysis as there is a lack of available data.
For more information and to explore data relating to the Mediterranean, visit www.mgi.online