Dimitris Katsikas writes about the disappointing integration of young women into the labour market in Greece, as reflected in a new study implemented by ELIAMEP and the Fafo institute of Norway with support from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA Grants).

Click to read the article, in Greek.



Publication: 09/12/2021 Καθημερινή
24062Young women and discrimination in the labour market – Dimitris Katsikas
Youth Employment and Gender Equality: Mobilizing human capital for sustainable growth in Greece
Dimitris Katsikas
Kyriakos FilinisApostolos FasianosDaphne NicolitsasAlexia Mitsikostas
Dimitris Katsikas Senior Research Fellow, ELIAMEP; Assistant Professor, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens