In our latest podcast, Daphne Nicolitsas, Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics of the University of Crete, Scientific Advisor of the “Youth Employment and Gender Equality: Mobilizing human capital for sustainable growth in Greece” project and Dr. Varvara (Berry) Lalioti Researcher for the project “Youth Employment and Gender Equality: Mobilizing human capital for sustainable growth in Greece”, talk to our Head of Communications, Odin Linardatou about the great challenges that women face in the labor market, the impact that the pandemic and teleworking had on working women, the limited presence of women in senior positions, the institutional framework and the fight against discrimination.

You can listen to the new podcast on SoundCloud, Spotify and YouTube.

Publication: 26/03/2021
24062Women in the labor market: Stereotypes and discrimination
Youth Employment and Gender Equality: Mobilizing human capital for sustainable growth in Greece
Dimitris Katsikas
Kyriakos FilinisApostolos FasianosDaphne NicolitsasAlexia Mitsikostas
Daphne Nicolitsas Scientific Advisor of the "Reducing the child penalty of mothers in the Greek labour market: Lessons from Norway" project
Women in the labor market: Stereotypes and discrimination
Varvara (Berry) Lalioti Researcher for the project “Youth Employment and Gender Equality: Mobilizing human capital for sustainable growth in Greece”
Odin Linardatou Head of Communications