ELIAMEP is introducing its second series of podcasts about NATO and the new challenges facing the North Atlantic Council in the context of the “Learning Online About Security” program supported by the NATO Public Diplomacy Division. This week, Angelos Athanasopoulos, editor-in-chief of To Vima’s Politics section and Senior Diplomatic, Defense and EU Affairs editor for the newspaper, talks to ELIAMEP’s Head of Communications, Odin Linardatou, about fake news, orchestrated misinformation campaigns, efforts to control election results, freedom of speech and ways to protect citizens and democracy from cyber-attacks launched by authoritarian regimes

You can listen to the new podcast on SoundCloud, YouTube, Spotify and Google podcasts.

Publication: 16/12/2021
Angelos Athanasopoulos
Angelos Athanasopoulos National and Regional Press Director, European People's Party
Odin Linardatou Head of Communications