The researchers on ELIAMEP’s South-East Europe Programme have increased their visibility in the Balkan Media with near-weekly appearances on local TV channels throughout the region. On this occasion, Bledar Feta appeared on A2 Albania, a CNN-affiliated TV Channel, where he talked with journalist Erion Dushi about:

  • the upcoming parliamentary elections in Greece, the parties, their positions and strategies, as well as their efforts to mobilize the electorate;
  • the participation of candidates of Albanian origin, their dynamic and the Albanian vote;
  • the progress made in Albanian-Greek bilateral relations, the maritime dispute; and
  • Greece’s constructive stance towards Kosovo.

Feta noted the importance of the upcoming elections for the Albanian community in Greece, given that Albanian immigrants who have obtained Greek citizenship will have a second opportunity to elect a candidate of Albanian origin to one of Greece’s most important institutions. He argued that “the selection and the existence of an MP of immigrant origin in the Hellenic parliament is an example of democracy functioning as it should, and deserves everyone’s support”.

The interview was part of the media dissemination strategy of the ALGREE – “Albania-Greece: Understanding. Connecting. Partnering” project.

You can watch the full interview here, in Albanian.



Publication: 02/05/2023 A2 Αλβανίας
Bledar Feta Research Fellow, Foreign policy, domestic politics, human rights in South-East Europe