Professor Panayotis Tsakonas, Head of the Security and Turkey Programme at ELIAMEP, writes on Greek-Turkish diplomatic relations in his article for the newspaper TA NEA. He finds that instead of restoring a policy of passivity, embraced by few marginalized voices within the ruling party, current developments urge Greece to adopt a strategy of seizing initiative, utilizing the comparative advantages the country has over Turkey and raising this dispute to international law institutions, that are partial to Greek aims. Refraining from seizing initiative in our diplomatic relations with this increasingly difficult neighbor, either as a conscious strategic choice or an alibi, is not bravery but cowardice, Tsakonas argues. “We are not the only ones analyzing, successfully or not, our opponent’s behavior, but they read into ours too,” concludes Tsakonas.



You can find the full article in English here.

Publication: 29/01/2020 ΤΑ ΝΕΑ
Panayotis Tsakonas Senior Research Fellow, Head, Foreign Policy & Security Programme; Professor, University of Athens