Τhe 15th Newsletter is out and in this latest issue you can read:
- The long-held assumption that government is a burden on the market economy has been debunked. Rediscovering the state’s traditional role as an ‘investor of first resort’ (rather than just as a lender of last resort) has become a precondition for effective policy-making in the post-COVID-19 era.
- No state aid without conditions: Both Denmark and France are denying state aid to any company domiciled in an EU-designated tax haven. France has introduced five-year targets to lower domestic carbon dioxide emissions, while Austria has made its airline-industry bailouts conditional on the adoption of climate targets.
- One structural feature seems to determine a country’s COVID-19 death rate: income and wealth distribution. Inequality is not a death sentence, however, in most countries we are witnessing the enormous costs of mass inequality.
- Α 28-week blanket lockdown in a developing country saves about 70 lives per 100,000 people, while the same lockdown in an advanced country saves about 320 lives.
You can find the English version of the 15th Newsletter here.
Every Friday, the week’s newsletter will be posted on www.eliamep.gr and sent to those subscribed to ELIAMEP’s mailing list.