Othon Kaminiaris
Research Fellow, Climate Policy; European Neighbourhood Policy; SustainabilityDr Othon Kaminiaris is an independent researcher working for public and private institutions in Greece, focusing on issues of climate change, energy, just transition and open governance. He also has extensive experience in the management and implementation of educational projects. Currently, he works as a Researcher of the Climate and Sustainability Programme of ELIAMEP, where he manages the ARSINOE and SMILE projects. He is also a researcher at the UNESCO Chair for Climate Diplomacy and the Institute of European Integration and Policy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Inter alia, he has worked at the National Centre for Social Research, the Hellenic Center for Marine Research and The Green Tank. He received his PhD from the said university with honours, for which he was awarded a scholarship by the State Scholarships Foundation (IKY). He holds a Bachelor’s in Political Science and Public Administration and a Master’s in International and European Studies. He speaks Greek, English, French and Spanish. Finally, he serves as the Secretary General of the Alumni Association of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration.