Nikitas Konstantinidis
Non-Resident Research Fellow; Associate Professor, School of Global & Public Affairs, IE University, Madrid nikitas.konstantinidis@ie.eduNikitas Konstantinidis currently holds the position of Associate Professor at the School of Global & Public Affairs, IE University (Madrid, Spain).
His main research interests lie in the areas of comparative and international political economy, applied formal theory, regional integration, international organizations, and EU politics. Current research projects include the effects of globalization on national democracy, models of electoral accountability and party polarization under supranational policy constraints, and the formal and empirical analysis of the design and ownership of IFI conditionality programs. He has published in journals such as International Organization, Review of International Organizations, Political Science Research and Methods, European Union Politics, Journal of Theoretical Politics, etc., and he is affiliated to most major political science organizations, such as the American, Midwest, and European Political Science Associations. Moreover, he currently serves on the Steering Committee of the ECPR’s Standing Group in International Relations.
His research material is available in his respective profiles on Google Scholar, ResearchGate, and Academia.edu. He has contributed op-eds to such blogs and media outlets as Athens Voice, Diário de Notícias, El Financiero, El País, Huffington Post Greece, Indian Express, Kathimerini (Greek and English versions), LSE EUROPP, protagon.gr, The Books’ Journal, and The Washington Post (Monkey Cage). In addition, he was a member of the Steering Committee of the Greek Public Policy Forum, an academic initiative that sought to derive concrete policy implications from multidisciplinary research and foster cross-border dialogue and consultations on issues of public policy within a recessionary environment.
He holds degrees from the LSE (BSc Government and Economics), the Harvard Kennedy School (MSc Public Policy) and Princeton University (MA and PhD in Political Economy).