Marina Nikolova is Research Associate of ELIAMEP.
She has graduated from the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Media Communications of the Aristotle University (Thessaloniki) in 2004 and has been awarded a Master’s degree in Cultural studies from the Panteion University (Athens) in 2006. Since 2007 she has been affiliated with ELIAMEP and involved in the implementation of 11 EU projects, working on research and analysis on migration issues and policies on EU and national level.
She was national coordinator for the European Web Site on Integration coordinated by the Migration Policy Group (MPG) in Brussels.
Marina was also working as a program coordinator for AMKE Melissa Network for Migrant Women in Greece (2019 – 2021).
Her academic interests are in the areas of migrants’ integration, quantitative and qualitative methods of research, gender, wellbeing, relational sociology and agency, and feminism