ELIAMEP adopts a Gender Equality Plan (GEP)
ELIAMEP highly values gender equality and is strongly committed to it. In Aril 2019, it adopted for the first time a Gender Equality Plan (GEP). It formulates gender equality and non-discrimination into an explicit goal of our organization, alongside its foundational commitment to meritocracy and excellence. It also plans a series of concrete actions aimed at embedding a gender-sensitive culture in ELIAMEP’s human resource management, its decision-making structures, and in the content of our research and policy proposals. These actions include changes in our Foundation’s operative and communication documents, sex-disaggregated data collection, capacity building, and gender balancing measures.
ELIAMEP is proud to have taken this step to formulate such an Action Plan that brings our Foundation in line with European Union and national legislation. A Gender Equality Plan is a ‘soft’ policy tool championed by the European Union that urges public and private organizations, including in the area of research and higher education, to mainstream gender and implement equality measures in their internal structures and workings.
ELIAMEP’s GEP was formulated on the basis of a gender audit undertaken by Senior Research Fellow Dia Anagnostou in the frame of the TARGET project that is funded by the EU Horizon 2020 Program (https://www.gendertarget.eu/).
ELIAMEP is eager to share its experience and expertise with other organizations in Greece and abroad that are interested in adopting a Gender Equality Plan, especially in the area of research and higher education. For more information, please contact Dia Anagnostou (danagnos@eliamep.gr) and Elizabeth Phocas (elizabeth@eliamep.gr).