On 25 November 2022, ELIAMEP and the FPN hosted the third publishing seminar live, in person in Belgrade as part of the European H2020 Project MIGREC. As requested by the Belgrade project partners (Faculty of Political Science), this seminar was focussed on publishing policy papers, as compared with the previous two seminars on academic publishing in international journals.
This seminar, with guest speaker Angeliki Dimitriadi, built further onto her introductory presentation, ‘Turning research into policy’ given in May with (a smaller) group from the University of Belgrade in Athens. In this very practical workshop, participants received detailed input into the policymaker audience (who they are and what they are looking for), the structure of a policy paper, different styles and approaches, and the ingredients to include and avoid. The 14 participants from the faculties of Political Science and Geography then worked in small groups to develop their own policy pitches with assistance from others in the group and with Dimitriadi’s guidance. The group had many questions to which they received practical answers and useful feedback regarding how and where to address their own academic research to this very different audience. The group was animated and enthusiastic about the topic, the information and the practical work to implement it with their own research subjects.