A very interesting and timely research on Greek-Albanian relations was presented in an event held on Tuesday 2 July, at Europe House in Tirana by the South-East Europe Program, in collaboration with the Open Society Foundation for the Western Balkans. The research was funded by the Konrad-Adenauer Foundation – Greece and Cyprus Office and conducted by the Public Opinion and Market Research Unit of the University Research Institute of the University of Macedonia.

This research was carried out in the framework of ALGREE Project between April 15-21, 2024 in a sample of 1165 people, over 17 years old, with scientific supervisor Dr. Ioannis Armakolas, Associate Professor at the University of Macedonia and Senior Research Fellow and Head of the South-East Europe Programme at ELIAMEP, and Giorgos Siakas, Associate Professor at the Democritus University of Thrace and Research Director of the Public Opinion and Market Research Unit of University of Macedonia.

According to the research findings, the general picture at the societal level places Greek-Albanian relations at their best, with the majority of respondents having a positive opinion of Albanian immigrants in Greece and their contribution to its economic development, and the vast majority who estimate that their children are fully integrated. At the level of bilateral relations, the picture is more complex, with the research reflecting the very negative attitude and concern of the Greek public opinion about the Beleri issue and the rights of the Greek minority in Albania.

During the presentation of the research by the scientific supervisors, G. Siakas and I. Armakolas, the difference between the public’s perception of the part that dominates the political agenda and the perception that comes from society and business was emphasized. “There are very positive opinions, which are constantly improving, about the social and economic relations between the two parties”, said Armakolas during his intervention.

Compared to the previous survey, Mr. Siakas said that: “There is an improvement in the image of Albania in Greece, but negative opinions remain the majority. There is a slight deterioration in bilateral relations, but mostly neutral opinions prevail.”

Mr. Remzi Lani, Executive Director of the Albanian Media Institute emphasized that the media has its role in creating negative perception, but it also has the opportunity to play a constructive role in this process, together with politics.

You can read the research findings in detail in Greek, English and Albanian.



Some of the most important media outlets from Greece and Albania showed particular interest and reported extensively on the survey. Furthermore, the results of the survey and related analyses were published by media from Germany and North Macedonia.


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ALBANIAN DAILY NEWS: Albanian Integration and Acceptance in Greece

ABC NEWS ALBANIA: https://youtu.be/qdLq91gwXrQ?si=_c490EewCrUN7NGE

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Ioannis Armakolas
Ιοannis PaparizosPanagiotis PaschalidisÇelik Rruplli