Why did Yugoslavia break up? How did the Bosnian war begin? How were 8000 civilians under UN protection massacred in Srebrenica, and how did the attempt to cover up the crime create the world’s largest criminological puzzle? Was the bombardment of the National Library in Sarajevo at the start of the war intended to destroy the collective cultural memory of a nation? Ultimately, does culture unite people or divide them? Is Bosnia and Herzegovina a viable state, and can it become a full member of the European Union? How can peace be preserved and a new war avoided in the heart of Europe?

These and other similar questions relevant to internecine conflict everywhere are addressed in this new book, entitled Bosnian Shards: A land mine in the heart of Europe, by the author, Dimitris Kourkoulas, who lived in Bosnia and Herzegovina for four years as a representative of the European Union.





Δημοσίευση: 19/03/2024
Bosnian shards: A land mine in the heart of Europe – New book by Dimitris Kourkoulas
Dimitris Kourkoulas Head, Mediterranean Programme; Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, former Ambassador of the EU