ELIAMEP’s research programme Grassrootsmobilise was recently invited to organise a panel at the University of Athens Conference on ‘Religions & Human Rights’ (13-16 February 2019). This panel on “Religious Education in the Greek Context: Papageorgiou v. Greece and Beyond” brought together scholars and practitioners from Greece and abroad to explore this highly relevant topic from various perspectives.
Effie Fokas discussed ‘Grassrootsmobilise engagements with religious education’, Juris Rudevskis gave an ‘Overview of ECtHR case law related to religion and education’, Margarita Markoviti gave a presentation entitled ‘”We were desperate to find a parent for a case on exemption to the ECtHR!” – Tracing the steps of the mobilisation in ‘Papageorgiou and Others v. Greece’, Evie Zambeta discussed ‘Religious education and human rights in Greek schools’, and Marios Koukounaras–Liagkis explored the ‘What “to understand religions” really means today and why states should provide an education about religions and non-religious convictions’. A stimulating discussion followed.
The conference programme is available, in Greek, here.