The tensions underlying Greek-Turkish relations transcend time and persist, over immigration and maritime sovereignty rights. In the past few months, both countries have been at the brink of a military imbroglio, implying the need for a fundamental rethinking of Greece’s strategy of engagement towards Turkey. In light of the ascendance of the EU as a political and security actor, how strong and cohesive can and will the European response to these tensions be?

Spyros Blavoukos, ELIAMEP Research Fellow and Associate Professor at the Athens University of Economics and Business gives his insight on how Greece should formulate a new strategic approach towards Turkey through a united European defense response. You may find his blog post at the Institut Montaigne think tank, entitled: ‘Stronger Together – Greece: You Can’t Choose Your Neighbours but You Can Choose Your Friends‘ .




Δημοσίευση: 19/02/2021
Spyros Blavoukos Senior Research Fellow, Head, EU Institutions & Policies Programme; Head of the 'Ariane Condellis' European Programme; Professor, Athens University of Economics & Business