The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) had a strong presence at the academic conference preceding the Annual Assembly of the “Association of German-Greek Societies” (VDGG) in Weimar on September 27, 2024. Held at the Goethe National Museum, the one-day symposium gathered delegates from Germany’s many Philhellenic clubs and societies to discuss “German-Greek Relations in the 21st Century.”

ELIAMEP’s Senior Policy Advisor Dr. Jens Bastian presented on “50 Years Metapolitefsi: German-Greek Discourses on Remembrance.” Senior Research Fellow and Coordinator of Research Projects on Greek-German relations, Dr. Ronald Meinardus, shared findings from a recent survey on Germany’s image in Greece, exploring the reasons behind changing public opinion.

Also speaking at the event were Mara Marinaki, Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic to Germany, and Andreas Kindl, Germany’s Ambassador to Greece.

Δημοσίευση: 30/09/2024
ELIAMEP’s Active Participation in German-Greek Relations Symposium in Weimar
Ronald Meinardus Senior Research Fellow; Coordinator of research projects on Greek - German relations
Jens Bastian Senior Policy Advisor; Independent Economic Consultant