A public debate on ‘The European roots of the Greek crisis’ took place on Tuesday 26 November 2013 at 18:00 at the City of Athens Cultural Centre. This debate was organised by Europe Direct of the Municipality of Athens and Kritiki Publishing House on the occasion of the publication of the book The Greek Crisis and European Modernity edited by Anna Triandafyllidou, Ruby Gropas and Hara Kouki. Anna Triandafyllidou, Ruby Gropas, Stavros Zoumpoulakis, George Katrougalos, Manos Matsaganis, Maria Petmesidou and Ioannis Tassopoulos participated in the debate.




Δημοσίευση: 23/11/2013
Public debate’ The European roots of the Greek crisis’, 26/11/2013
Anna TRIANDAFYLLIDOU Professor, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration, Ryerson University, Toronto