ELIAMEP announces the appointment of researchers for the its new Crisis Observatory, which operates with the support of the S. Niarchos Foundation. The job posting, with a deadline the 3rd of December 2012, saw an impressive reception, in terms of both the quantity of applications (390 applications were received) and their quality. Following the evaluation of the applications by the Selection Committee, short-listed candidates were invited to an interview. The members of the Selection Committee were Loukas Tsoukalis, President of ELIAMEP and Professor of European Organization, University of Athens, Achilleas Mitsos, Former Director-General, Directorate-General for Research, European Commission, former Secretary General of the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology and Professor of International Economic Relations, University of the Aegean and Nikos Koutsiaras, Assistant Professor, University of Athens. Following the interviews the Selection Committee decided to fill the vacancies as follows:
Researcher, Head of the Crisis Observatory (full-time):
Dimitrios Katsikas, Lecturer, University of Athens, PhD London School of Economics.
Postdoctoral Researcher (full-time):
Kyriakos Filinis, PhD University of Athens.
Research Associate (part-time):
Nikos Chrysoloras, Journalist, Correspondent in Brussels, PhD London School of Economics.
It is noted, that the appointment of a second part-time Research Associate is still pending.The Crisis Observatory began its operations on 1 January 2013.