At this critical juncture and in light of recent economic developments, there is a pressing need to discuss the issues, challenges and priorities facing economic governance in EU-27 and the eurozone in particular.
In this context, ELIAMEP organized its 7th Annual European Seminar on ‘Economic Governance in the Eurozone and the EU: Drawing Lessons from the Crisis.’
The seminar was organized in cooperation with Bruegel and with the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme, Jean Monnet Actions of the European Union (Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency).
A group of leading thinkers and policy-makers was brought together to draw lessons from the ways in which Europe has so far coped with the crisis and reflect on its broader political and social consequences. During this meeting, the adequacy of the Union’s crisis management mechanisms and the role of individual member countries were examined, and alternative scenarios for economic governance were discussed.
The Programme of the Seminar can be viewed here.
List of participants
The list of Participants can be found here.