The climate crisis demands immediate attention, particularly concerning its effects on vulnerable populations, notably children. The project “Assessment of Climate Change and Environmental Degradation Effects on Children in Greece”, supported by UNICEF, aims to explore and analyze the critical challenges faced by Greek children in the wake of environmental disasters, such as widespread forest fires and devastating floods in Thessaly, accelerated phenomena in the era of climate “permacrisis”. The program aims to investigate the intersection of climate change and child well-being and contribute to national health, education, and social equity goals. This will take place through the development of a plan to mitigate the effects of climate change on children based on an assessment report on the impact of climate change and environmental degradation on children in Greece.

Senior Researcher: Dr George Dikaios

Research Fellows: Dr Vagioula Tsoutsi, Persefoni Kerentzi

Project Manager/Research Assistant: Marianna Terezaki

Advisory committee: Professor Emmanuella Doussis, Professor Maria Gavouneli

Project Duration: April 1, 2024 – August 15, 2024

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