Laia Comerma Calatayud

Laia Comerma Calatayud

Research Fellow for the REBOOT project

Laia Comerma Calatayud is a PhD candidate at the Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona) and a predoctoral research fellow at the Barcelona Institute for International Studies. Her PhD dissertation, “The Influence of the EU–China Economic Relationship towards the reconfiguration of the Economic Regime of Global Governance”, digs deeper on the perspective of norms, rules and institutions that structure the foreign policy relation of economic cooperation between China and the European Union and how they are being transformed due to their interaction in the fields of investment, trade, and finance. She has published on the future of EU-China relations, Chinese influence in the EU, Chinese democracy and the Belt and Road Initiative. During her PhD, she was a visiting researcher at the Lau China Institute (King’s College London), where she carried out research on COSCO’s investment in the Piraeus port. She holds a Master’s degree on International Relations by the London School of Economics (LSE), a Postgraduate degree on International Economics and Commerce by the University of Barcelona, and a Bachelor’s degree on Philosophy, Politics and Economics (UPF-UC3M-UAM). Her research fields of interest are foreign policy analysis, Chinese foreign policy, EU foreign policy, and EU–China relations.
