Emmanouil Tsatsanis graduated with a degree in International and European Studies from the University of Macedonia. He holds an MA in Political Behaviour from the University of Essex in the United Kingdom and a PhD in Political Science from Washington State University in the United States. From 2012 to 2016 he was Visiting Assistant Professor at the Lisbon University Institute (ISCTE-IUL), where he is maintains a research position. He has also taught in various universities in Greece (University of Athens, University of Thessaloniki, Panteion University of Athens, University of Peloponnese), in the United States and in Morocco, and has been a visiting scholar at Sophia University in Tokyo and at the Juan March Advanced Center for Social Science Studies (CEACS) in Madrid.
His research and teaching experience are located mainly in the subfield of Comparative Politics, with a focus on topics related to electoral behaviour, political identities, political representation and party systems. His work has been published in edited volumes and national and international peer-reviewed journals such as West European Politics, Party Politics, International Political Science Review, South European Society and Politics, Critical Sociology, Journal of Political Ideologies, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, among others. He coordinates together with André Freire and Marco Lisi the research project ‘Crisis, Political Representation and Democratic Renewal: The Portuguese case in the Southern European context’ (2016-19) funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Research and Technology (FCT) and is co-editor of the forthcoming volumes Political Representation in Southern Europe and Latin America (Routledge) and Political Representation and Citizenship in Portugal: From Crisis to Renewal (Lexington Books).