With the support of the US Embassy in Athens and in collaboration with the International Propeller Club (Port of Piraeus).
Opening Remarks:
Shanna Dietz Surendra, Cultural Affairs Officer, U.S. Embassy Athens
George Tzogopoulos, Senior Research Fellow, ELIAMEP
Danae Bezantakou, General Secretary, International Propeller Club (Port of Piraeus)/ CEO, Navigator Shipping Consultants Ltd
Dorothea Ioannou, Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Shipowners Claims Bureau, Inc., Managers of American Steamship Owners Mutual Protection & Indemnity Association, Inc.
Christos Timagenis, 1st Vice President, International Propeller Club (Port of Piraeus)/ Partner, Timagenis Law Firm
Stamatis Tsantanis, Chairman & CEO, Seanergy Maritime Holdings Corp (NASDAQ: SHIP)
Moderator: Odin Linardatou, Head of Communications, ELIAMEP
The invitation is available here.